‘The Adventures of Moon Man and Slim Shady’ Review
Their new song ‘The Adventures of Moon Man and Slim Shady’ appears to act as a trailer to a full album featuring the combination.
Dallas Road Trip
The cosplay was fantastic. Day one, Saturday of the expo I saw three different groups of Teen Titans, also props to the Raven that didn’t dress as the cartoon and dressed instead as one of the comicbook incarnations.
The Maryland Trip
I went to most, if not all the sessions that dealt with poetry. One of the sessions was led by James Arthur and he was splendid. I brought my masterpiece to be critiqued for the poetry critique. I was able to have James and Joe Capista, a professor at the university look at it. I was given very useful incite and thoughts.
The Bridgewater Trip
My set of poems was short. I feared too much that I would go over the time limit. That night instead of a workshop they had an open mic for everybody to participate in. There I was able to see Nicelle's work live. Some students even signed up, which was absolutely fantastic.
The Martian
The Martian follows in those footsteps, however instead of being a long distance into the future like Nolan’s space adventure, this movie takes place in a possibly seeable future (a stone’s throw in time).
Where’s Supergirl?
Also if you were Kara-El, would fly around in a mini-skirt? We need female superheroes that can be respected. Give this hero some respect.
Dope (2015)
The conclusion serves as a public service announcement about the flaws of perceiving everything in life through stereotypes, and labels. It allows us to ask ourselves whether we discourage those around us or encourage them.
Honey Cocoon beats Trendy Good
A few weeks back, I found that my day to day shoes were falling apart. Several times heavy objects had fallen on my feet and this pair protected my toes like socks. I paid $15 at a thrift store and they lasted me five years. Best shoes I ever had, but I needed actual work shoes.
10 Questions with Queen City Heist
The door of the bedroom was not held on by hinges, in fact it was not held on at all. The idea was to close it to muffle the sound of Sky and Jason’s children in the living room, but we decided not to worry about it. The door eventually made its way off the wall later on.
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